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Waste & Recycling

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# Article Title
21 Rocket Composter investment helps AstraZeneca reduce waste and embrace circular economy
22 UNTHA UK announces innovation plans as team eyes £15m turnover
23 Experienced alternative fuel specialist joins UNTHA UK
24 Revive IT supercharges confidential waste capabilities with new recycling technology
25 Tidy Planet exports Rocket Composter machinery into Australia
26 UNTHA launches cloud technology to optimise shredder performance
27 Niramax overhauls SRF production line with new shredding technology
28 Metal specialist boosts refrigerator recycling capabilities with UNTHA shredder
29 Organic waste specialists collaborate in £1.25m global food waste project
30 Global manufacturer introduces baling to business
31 Riverside introduces dedicated compacting division
32 Lancashire Waste boosts SRF production capacity with new UNTHA shredders
33 Raymond Blanc hotel closes food waste loop with Rocket Composter
34 British agricultural business gives Riverside the seal of approval
35 UNTHA shredder completes industry-first plant for AD and blood plastics
36 Zero Waste to Landfill business boosts RDF capabilities with UNTHA shredder
37 Wetherby Group invests in new baling technology
38 ESA welcomes momentum for reducing waste and boosting recycling
39 SigNET turns to ATK for baling needs
40 Organic waste heavyweights collaborate in sophisticated aerobic digestion projects