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Birmingham to be showcase for monitoring kit – as used at Dublin hospital site

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Campbell Associates – the industry-leading suppliers of automated and cloud-based noise, vibration and dust (NVD) monitoring systems – will be demonstrating the full scope of their impressive product range from 10-12 October at UK Construction Week’s Civils Expo in Birmingham. Innovative systems from manufacturers AVA, Aeroqual, Sonitus and Norsonic will be on show.

These state-of-the-art environmental noise, vibration and dust monitoring kits utilise new technology with full automation, remote control via a five-month battery and access to real time data via the cloud to deliver maximum flexibility for all applications. They can also be tailor made to suit individual projects.The equipment supplied by Campbell Associates is robust, weatherproof, easily installed and cost effective.


PPMA Show to host first-look at new plastic and packaging shredder

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UNTHA UK is set to unveil its new packaging, pallet and plastics shredder, at the PPMA Show this September.
The three day event at the NEC will provide visitors with a UK first-look at the manufacturer’s latest engineering innovation – the QR series.

The high throughput shredder will take centre stage on UNTHA’s stand (A22), so delegates can get up close to what has been hailed a maximum performance piece of technology, with simplicity at its heart.

Capable of handling everything from wooden pallets to production waste – as well as plastic lump, drums, film and mixed rigids – the QR has been developed in conjunction with recyclers worldwide.


ALS to exhibit at Big P conference

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ALS Environmental are delighted to announce that we will be attending and exhibiting at the "Big P" Conference at Old Trafford, Manchester on the 4th and 5th July 2017. The two-day conference and exhibition will explore the balance between reducing phosphorus consumption within river catchments and establishing an effective means for recovering phosphorus as a nutrient.

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a European Directive (2000/60/EC) to monitor and improve the quality of Surface Water across the European Union (EU). The UK response to the WFD is known as the Chemical Investigation Programme (CIP). ALS Environmental is supporting a number of UK Water and Sewerage companies with their CIP2 project sampling and analysis, as well as assisting other EU countries with their analysis for the WFD, including Turkey, Poland and Sweden, which demonstrates the expertise of their technical team and the quality of the methods they have developed.


Perfect timing for Air Quality & Emissions event

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AQE 2017 will take place in Telford (UK) on 24th and 25th May at a time when the health effects of air pollution are constantly in the headlines, and when the UK Government is due to consult on its latest plans to comply with air quality guidelines in the UK’s larger towns and cities. Registration for the event is now open, with entry to the Exhibition and Workshops free of charge. However, a range of fees apply for those that wish to attend one or more of the Conferences.

AQE 2017 is the ninth in a series of specialist air and emissions monitoring events that began at Bretby (UK) in 2002. “The Conference themes of AQE 2017 will again focus on monitoring,” says organiser Marcus Pattison. “The VW scandal highlighted the importance of accurate, reliable monitoring techniques and regulations, and this is equally relevant for the industrial emissions and ambient air quality monitoring sectors, so the AQE 2017 presentations will provide a fantastic opportunity for visitors to glean the latest information on regulations, techniques, standards, methods and technologies.


Workshop focuses on dust protection and monitoring

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Ashtead Technology, TSI and the Health & Safety Laboratory (HSL) recently collaborated to deliver a workshop focusing on the environmental and safety hazards presented by dust and other particulate matter.

Alan Hasson and Josh Thomas from Ashtead Technology provided an overview of the justification for dust monitoring in the workplace, and Nicholas Baxter from HSL described the requirements for Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE), including an explanation of the terms ‘adequate’ and ‘suitable’ with respect to RPE. He also highlighted the importance of the CE mark, correct storage of RPE, and Fit Testing. This was followed by a practical demonstration of FFRED (HSL's Face-Fit Respirator Demonstrator) which provided delegates with clear visualisation of the problems caused by badly fitted masks.