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Easy and Fast Analysis


The company MLE GmbH (Germany) provides a flexible, automated analysis system, developed for the water and environmental analysis industries. It works with standard photometric determination methods (ISO). The application of flow injection analysis (FIA) allows low reagent consumption, short analysis times and is suitable for large sample throughput (as a multi-channel system, shown in the picture) and also for smaller sample series (as single channel system).

The modular design allows the offering of customised configurations, which are adapted to the tasks of your facility and can be used in routine analysis and research laboratories.

Procedures for sample preparation, such as digestion, enrichment or extraction can be integrated. With the Windows software FIAcontrol, the configuration of the analysis system, the data collection and archiving, as well as the export of measurement results are simple to handle.

With the additional software module EasyPrep you can use the autosampler as sample preparation system for pre dilution of the samples, making standards or adding solutions.