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Environment Systems extends Habitat Mapping of Anguilla to the Marine Environment

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In 2012 Environment Systems created a new a habitat map of Anguilla. There was already some habitat mapping of the islands but it lacked detail and there was no baseline information of wetland (mangrove), limestone scrubland or particular species important to the islands’ biodiversity. The new map was created from Earth Observation data, including satellite, aerial photography and field survey data.

The project also included a knowledge transfer and training element with key members of staff from the Anguillian Department of the Environment (DOE) and Department of Physical Planning (DPP) visiting Aberystwyth to gain a better understanding of the use of Earth Observation techniques and software.


Latest multigas FTIR analysers can be hired

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altFTIR gas analysers have become popular in a wide variety of gas detection and monitoring applications because of their ability to measure almost any gas. However, the cost of this equipment can exceed the budgets of those that could benefit from this sophisticated technology, so Quantitech has established a small range of FTIR gas analysers that are available for hire.

Typical applications for FTIR gas analysis include industrial emissions monitoring, occupational safety surveys, engine exhaust testing, process monitoring, leak detection, emergency response, chemical spill and fire investigations, breathing gas analysis and many others.


New portable GC-MS technology for onsite ‘lab analysis’

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altTorion Technologies (USA) has appointed Milton Keynes based Quantitech to distribute a unique portable gas chromatograph toroidal ion trap mass spectrometer (GC-MS), in the UK and Ireland.

The TRIDION™-9 is the world’s fastest and most portable GC-MS. Combining a high speed GC with a miniaturised TMS in a lightweight, field-portable instrument, the TRIDION™-9 is designed to rapidly detect an enormous variety of chemical compounds in the field.


New portable oil in water analyser

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altInstrumentation specialist Quantitech has launched a new portable infrared analyser, the InfraCal 2. Based on the original highly popular InfraCal, the latest version offers a host of new features such as multiple calibrations, lower detection limits, faster analysis, data logging and a new touch screen with security features.

The InfraCal2 has been developed for applications such as sub-ppm detection of oil in water, monitoring cleaning efficiency of metal parts, measuring barrier layers in flexible films, textiles and fibre finishes, and quality control.


NHBC announces new partnership with BSRIA

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altHousebuilders are now able to benefit from a more efficient, faster onsite air leakage testing service following the announcement of a new partnership between NHBC and leading consultancy and research organisation BSRIA (Building Services Research and Information Association).

From June, NHBC and BSRIA – an organisation with over 50 years’ experience supporting and advising the construction industry, which has carried out 50,000 energy tests across the industry since 2006 - will jointly provide responsive air leakage testing as part of NHBC’s  overall Part L compliance package which includes SAP and EPC’s.


Eco Technology Show returns for 2013

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altThe Eco Technology Show, the London and South East event for trade, building owners, occupiers, and the general public covering sustainable build, energy, transport and technology, returns this June with an even bigger and better event for 2013! This year’s venue is the newly-refurbished Brighton Centre, right on the seafront.

A must attend show for anyone interested in how energy efficiency and saving money will drive their business forward, The Eco Technology Show 2013 will unveil the latest in eco technology innovations from across Europe.


Data Automation and LIMSS Exhibited at Pittcon

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altAccelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc. (USA), a supplier of Laboratory Data Management Solutions and Accelerated Technology Laboratories (ATL) European partner, the Institute for Consulting and Data Handling (iCD), will again be exhibiting together in booth #1809 at PITTCON, March 17 - 21, 2013, at the newly expanded Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA.

ATL will be unveiling its new Sample Master iLIMS - a 100 percent web-based version of our Sample Master LIMS, built on .NET framework. Sample Master iLIMS boasts a brand new look and feel, perfect for those organisations with multiple US locations or global operations, and an interest in utilising tablet technology (iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Trimble, etc.). The software will leverage the modularity and user friendliness for which Sample Master has become known, with additional new features and integration with the latest version of Result Point.


How Donors Trust distributed millions to anti-climate groups

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altRecipients included some of the best-known thinktanks on the right. The American Enterprise Institute, which is closely connected to the Republican party establishment and has a large staff of scholars, received more than $17m in untraceable donations over the years, the record show.

But relatively obscure organisations did not go overlooked. The Heartland Institute, virtually unknown outside the small world of climate politics, received $13.5m from the Donors Trust.


Discrete Analysers by Thermo Fisher Scientific

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altThermo Fisher Scientific (Finland) has provided solutions for the water and waste water laboratories for over 20 years with the family of AquakemTM and GalleryTM analysers. These analysers utilise discrete cell technology which significantly reduces analysis time. Applications are based on photometric measurements. Easy-to-use analysers are ready for immediate analysis, start-up and shut down protocols are automated and once loaded, they automate all necessary steps, providing a walk-away time from two to four hours.