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Sierra Announces New Thermal Dispersion Technology

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altSierra Instruments today introduces their new QuadraTherm™ 640i / 780i Thermal Mass Flow Meter Series, marking a disruptive breakthrough in thermal dispersion technology. With its sensor design advancements, coupled with a proprietary iTherm “Brain”, the 780i inline version achieves gas mass flow rate measurement accuracy of +/- 0.5% of reading above 50% of the full scale (Air) making it the most accurate thermal meter in the industry. Before today, this level of accuracy was never thought possible with thermal dispersion mass flow meters.

At the heart of the 640i / 780i is its revolutionary patented QuadraTherm sensor and proprietary iTherm™ algorithm set. Traditional thermal sensors have two sensors–one temperature sensor and one velocity sensor, each in a separate probe. QuadraTherm introduces four sensors—three precision platinum temperature sensors and one patented no-drift DrySense™ mass velocity sensor, which is backed by a lifetime warranty and uses a proprietary manufacturing process to greatly improve accuracy and long-term stability.


Check out the new version of Vision

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altFOSS NIRSystems, Inc. (USA) have introduced Vision 3.60. Vision is a software package specifically designed for use with the FOSS NIRSystems Near-Infrared (NIR) laboratory and process analysers. Vision 3.60 replaces earlier versions of Vision and offers support for the latest NIR laboratory and process hardware.

The main new features in Vision 3.60: Vision 3.60 is 64 bit compatible. Vision can now be installed and run on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Vision 3.60 supports the NIRS DS2500 Analyser


Hydra IIC Mercury Analyser – No Hassle Mercury Analysis

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altTeledyne Leeman Labs (USA) Hydra IIC Mercury Analyser eliminates the complicated chemistry and hazardous waste associated with conventional mercury techniques. The Hydra IIC is a fully automated turnkey analyser that measures mercury in solid and semi-solid sample matrices directly without any acid digestion (sample preparation).

The system employs the technique of sample combustion (thermal decomposition), mercury concentration via gold amalgamation and detection by cold vapour atomic absorption. The biggest advantage of the Hydra IIC is that no sample preparation is required before analysis.


Monitoring Your Compost Remotely

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altTo efficiently compost waste, continuous temperature readings are required from the compost heap or windrow.

Manual data collection and risk of contamination are eliminated using a SureCross Node from Banner Engineering (Belgium), equipped with a dedicated thermocouple probe to automatically monitor the compost temperature.


Flow Injection Offers Flexible and Easy Analysis

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altMLE GmbH (Germany) provide a flexible, automated analysis system, developed specifically for water and environmental analysis. It operates with a standard photometric determination method (ISO). The application of flow injection analysis (FIA) allows low reagent consumption, short analysis times and is suitable for large sample throughput (as a multi-channel system, shown in the picture) and also for smaller sample series (single channel system).


Autoanalyser Helps Protect Production Equipment

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altAn automated segmented flow analyser, the AA3 from SEAL Analytical (UK), is being used at BASF’s manufacturing facility at Ludwigshafen in Germany, to protect manufacturing equipment from corrosion or chemical attack from potential impurities in demineralised water, boiler feed water and steam condensate.

Roland Bruenn, who has been with BASF since 1986, is responsible for the analysis of process and environmental samples. He says “We take samples continuously, twenty four hours per day, and typically test 30 to 50 samples per day for silica, ammonium and iron. However, the AA3 has the facility to test hundreds of samples per day so we have the ability to increase the work rate if necessary. This work is extremely important for the protection of high value process equipment.”


Use Rheology to Investigate Polymer Biodegradability

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altNew data from Malvern Instruments (UK) demonstrate how rheological methods can be used to investigate the speed at which biopolymers, such as polylactic acid (PLA), whose low environmental impact is a defining feature, will biodegrade and compost within landfill. The results show how rheological measurements made in the laboratory provide information about the kinetics and thermodynamics of polymer breakdown, helping accelerate the development of products that meet defined biodegradability criteria. The work is presented in a recently recorded webinar entitled ‘Using rheology to assess the biodegradability and compostability of polylactic acid’ and is freely available for download from the Malvern website.

The use of PLA is growing as its cost and performance come closer to traditional petroleum-based commodity polymers. Produced from crops, PLA offers the advantage of lower environmental impact and biodegradability is a key element of this. The lifecycle analysis of PLA, in applications such as food packaging, relies on understanding the mechanisms of product degradation, post use, and most importantly, the factors that will accelerate it, or indeed slow it down.


Data Automation Solutions Exhibited at WQTC 2012

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altAccelerated Technology Laboratories, Inc. (USA), a premier supplier of Laboratory Data Management Solutions, will again be exhibiting in booth #105 at the Water Quality Technology Conference, November 4– 8, 2012, at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Accelerated Technology Laboratories (ATL) will be featuring their revolutionary Laboratory Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, TITAN, which represents the next generation in Laboratory Information Management Solutions. TITAN leverages two decades of laboratory informatics expertise to define the new standard, offering a feature-rich user experience that simplifies and promotes automation and productivity through streamlined work processes.


Environmental Monitoring under the Microscope

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altEnvironmental monitoring specialist, enitial (UK), has been selected as a preferred partner of the National Laboratory Service (NLS) to provide a comprehensive environmental sampling, monitoring and analysis service.

The framework of suppliers, which has been set up by NLS to help meet the demands of its growing commercial portfolio, includes four providers of sample and field based services, one of which is enitial.

Ivor Parry, business development director at enitial said: “enitial is always striving to provide a high quality service and has worked with the National Laboratory Service (NLS) previously to provide a sampling service that is second to none. Being chosen as a preferred partner is testament to the unrivalled level of sampling and field based services we offer.”