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Strong backing for Environment Agency warning


Severn Trent Costain is strongly backing the warning from the Environment Agency of the need for businesses to prepare for future weather extremes. Managing Director, Wayne Earp said: “The Environment Agency assessment of the likely trend for more extreme weather in future is borne out by the events of 2012, when the country suffered both drought and flooding.

“There are a number of potential effects on businesses, ranging from vulnerability to flooding itself to serious water supply issues as declining river and groundwater levels make existing supplies problematic.”

However, he also moved to reassure businesses, saying: “We support the Environment Agency’s assertion that there are many positive actions that companies can take to climate-proof their businesses, incorporate climate change into their plans and give themselves a competitive advantage against other, less well-prepared companies.”

The Environment Agency points out in its advice to businesses that planned change is more cost-effective and less expensive than last minute reactive actions, and that being able to deliver services irrespective of the weather is good for companies’ reputations and longevity.

Severn Trent Costain is a leading business water solutions provider, offering a holistic service that enhances businesses’ water sustainability and creates water management strategies that optimise water efficiency and minimise environmental impact.

Mr Earp added: “As well as reducing water use, our complete business water management approach can help businesses to identify alternative water sources, understand and remove their water-related risks, and guarantee security of water supply. Businesses are increasingly realising that they need to consider the environmental impact of their activities as well as the environment’s impact on them, and that their customers and shareholders now expect them to play their part in lessening the effects of climate extremes.”