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Noise pollution has increased due to the 'wrong kind of wind'

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Noise pollution complaints have risen more than 900 per cent in South West London, as the level of noise from Heathrow Airport has increased exponentially.

Although it was first believed that the increase in noise was down to both runways running simultaneously, it is now believed that a change in weather has caused the amplification of noise.

Some have reported that the noise is being carried over South West London when it was not previously.

BAA's Director of Airside, Tim Hardy, said: "The significant increase in noise complaints is probably due to the unusual weather we’ve had recently which has seen 90 per cent of wind coming from the west between July and September."

Some are furious with these claims, claiming that if a slight change in the weather can affect so many London residents then the airport is fundamentally in the wrong place.

Hammersmith and Fulham's Cabinet Member for Transport & Technical Services, Councillor Victoria Brocklebank-Fowler believes that the claims are preposterous.

However, she is even more livid if the excuses given are true, as that renders the location of Heathrow utterly disruptive.

"It makes no sense for thousands of planes to roar over densely populated areas, where millions of people live, when they could be making their final approach over water if the airport was to the east of London," she explained.

The increase in noise pollution has spurred on activist groups who have been campaigning against a third runway.

Residents have said that the noise pollution from the airport already affects their life, never mind with an additional runway.

Tom Lambert, a local resident, told The South West Londoner: "Sleep deprivation is a massive quality of life issue in west London and I don’t know many people who enjoy being woken up at 4:30am whatever the so-called benefits to BAA.