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Scotland Sustainability Summit 2021 - Sep 7, SEC Glasgow

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As consumers become increasingly aware of environmental issues and concerned about how the products they buy are sourced, produced and packaged, sustainability has risen up the corporate agenda. However, the definition of sustainability is rapidly evolving to encompass the entire product lifecycle – from raw materials sourcing to processing, to delivery to the retailer and the ultimate consumer, and finally to disposal/recycling. The way consumers view plastic has radically changed and will increase the use of recyclable and bio-based packaging.

This more encompassing view of sustainability and the move towards a circular economy will require greater collaboration between suppliers, manufacturers, Governments, retailers and consumers.


O'Donovan Waste presented with Training Award at the Construction News Specialists Awards

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The team at O’Donovan Waste have won the Training category at the competitive Construction News Specialists Awards. The annual awards showcase talent from up and down the construction industry’s supply chain. Over the 16 years of the event, work highlighted by the awards has enabled collaborations between specialist innovators and major clients. The industry event took place as a virtual event this year and saw a number of prestigious awards given across 20 categories.

An expert panel of over 60 judges, including representatives from each of the top 25 biggest UK contractors adjudicated the only national awards recognising the outstanding achievements of specialist contractors.


O'Donovan Waste receives RoSPA Award for health and safety achievements

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O’Donovan Waste Disposal, a leading family-run waste management business based in London, is celebrating after landing an internationally-recognised award for demonstrating high health and safety standards.

O'Donovan, who operate with 185 employees and run a fleet of 100 lorries, has received a RoSPA Silver Health and Safety Award for working hard to ensure its team get home safely to their families at the end of every working day.


Small is beautiful on World Green Roof Day

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Small roof spaces – from bike sheds to bus stops, kitchen extensions to home offices – make perfect homes for beautiful green roofs and industry experts supporting this year’s World Green Roof Day on June 6th are encouraging everyone to look out of their windows and identify flat roofs ripe for transformation.


WWEM and AQE events postponed to 25/26 May 2021

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The international environmental monitoring events, WWEM and AQE were due to take place in November 2020, but given the uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the organisers have announced the postponement of both events until 25th and 26th May 2021. Both WWEM and AQE will again take place concurrently and in the same location – the Telford International Centre in the UK.

Both events include major conferences and technical seminars as well as international exhibitions featuring the world’s leading providers of testing, monitoring and analytical products and services. WWEM (Water Wastewater & Environmental Monitoring) and AQE (Air Quality & Emissions) address different aspects of environmental monitoring, but combined they offer anyone with a professional interest in the subject with a unique opportunity to learn about the latest regulations, Standards, methods and technologies.